Sunday, April 5, 2009

decisions decisions

Well I haven't wrote for a while because we have been so busy!!! Between my two jobs we figured out that the last couple weeks I've been working about 45 to 50 hours a week. But it's okay cause rick comes with me to the second job so we still get to be with each other all the time. We are really liking that job and love hanging out with the kids. Lately we've also been busy trying to figure out what to do with our yard. We're getting a cinder block fence so we've been trying to get bids and everything else on trenches and footings and installing. We're also trying to figure out what to do with trees and plants and grass. We're also thinking seriously about buying Rick a truck!! Through vocational rehab we can hopefully get the truck all ready so rick can drive it. The seat will come out of the truck and turn so Rick can transfer himself on the seat then it lifts back in the truck. A crane comes around and picks up his chair and puts it in the back. And the gas and brake are all hand operated so Rick can do it! I think it will be so great for him and he'll get some more independence back. So that is in the thinking process. Same with Rick maybe going back to school for architecture or something realted. He is doing so great and he keeps thinking of ways and things to get some more independence. I am so proud of him and everything he is willing to try although I'm sure it's scary. I had a nasty cold a little while ago and sadly Rick caught it this week. So the last couple of days he's been under the weather but hopefully it won't last long!! I'll keep you updated on all our crazy decisions we have to make!


Jenny said...

It's kind of tough making decisions about how to do your yard, but it's so much fun when you're done! Sounds like you guys have so much going on and are really doing well. Wow Rick, sounds like you have a lot of options opening up. I'm sure whatever you decide to do you will be a success. Whenever trials and obstacles come your way you just find a way to plow right past them. I hope we get to see you guys soon!

Unknown said...

HECK YES! That is so awesome you'll be getting the truck all "tricked" out for Rick! That was one of the biggest steps of independence for Mike...I think so far! And I love how much you love eachother!