Friday, December 18, 2009

Saturday, November 21, 2009

new adventure

Well we found out this past week that Rick got a job!! He is going to work for the NRCS (natural resource conservation or something like that.) He is going to be a student intern in drafting for them. He is probably going to start in December and we're not sure what he's going to do yet but it will be an adventure. He's going to work probably around 15 to 20 hours a week and still be going to school. It's a paid internship so that will be nice. So I'll let you know how it goes once he starts!!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

special olympics

So me and Rick went to the special olympics and took up some kids that were on an awesome basketball team and they took silver!!! They did so good and if ever anyone has a chance to go to the special olympics.... GO!!!! It is the best experience ever!! The best people in the world are there and you can learn so much from them. We had a blast!

hand bikes

Well after therapy for the last few weeks we've been going to liberty park and riding hand bikes. Rick is applying through the Challenged Athletes Fund for a hand bike. So we had to go ride some and find out what kind Rick likes. He did so awesome!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Finally approved!!

Well we got the great news that we got approved for all the modifications for Rick's truck and for his power assist wheels. YAY!!! Now we just have to wait for the bids then we get it done!!! Rick's been driving this van we borrowed from a couple here in Monroe and it is so fun to watch Rick drive. I can't wait to see him drive his truck!!

grass in our toes...

Well ever since we got sod in the front yard Rick has wanted to lay down on it so bad. So the other day I wheeled him over to the middle of the grass and dumped him on to it. It was so fun just to lay down on our grass and look at our beautiful house and just soak it all in. Then we literally got soaked cause the sprinklers came on. It was hilarious!! But we had tons of fun... man I love my husband!!

More yard work

Well we were inspired by the grass in the front yard so the next saturday we decided to attack the back yard. First I rode around on a four wheeler with a box spring behind it for about 2 hours to level it out. Then it was time to rake it out. Little did I know our back yard was like a gravel pit. So 6 hours later I was done raking. Longest 6 hours of my life!! Then I fertilized and seeded and raked a little and seeded again. Yep long long day. Well it's been like 9 days and yep still no grass. So we're still hoping but maybe we'll just have to try again in the spring. Anyone have good tips on making grass grow? We're keeping it wet all the time so I don't know. At least the weeds and rocks aren't growing back!!

I'm sorry

So I have been so bad at blogging and I apoligize. Our life has been crazy!! So we both started school in August and it has us running all the time. Rick is doing so good in school. He's got an A on all of his tests so far in drafting and math. He's getting so good at ACAD (drafting program) and it's way fun to watch and see all the things that he can make and draw on it. I am his note taker for all his classes so I get to see him do all this cool stuff. School is going okay for me too, but there's nothing really exciting to write about microbiology.

I'm still doing both my jobs, nothing to really report there. We've been doing tons of yard work lately. I'm happy to say we actually have grass!!! We layed sod in the front yard two weeks ago and it looks so good!!

It's amazing how much i love grass!!! It makes me so happy to look out and see green instead of dirt!! Thanks to all the people who helped! We know so many amazing people.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


So we went up to Salt Lake to a rehabilitation place that was in charge of making the recommendations for Rick's truck. We were expecting them just to look at him and talk to him for a while and then decide what would work the best for him.. but then the therapist said, "well the best way to find out, is to see you drive." We were way excited! I could tell that Rick was a little nervous but way excited. He got into this big van and transfered onto a seat and just sat in park and was figuring out how the hand controls worked. Then after he got it all down he put it into park and took off. He did so great! He had the biggest smile on his face the whole time. It was the first time he has drove in a year and a half. He got use to it pretty fast and picked it up great. It got us even more excited to get his truck modified. We'll hopefully find out in about 2 weeks so keep your fingers crossed!

Roosevelt and four wheelers

2 weeks ago me and Rick went on a little mini trip to Roosevelt. Many of you might not know but that is where Rick grew up. He has a really good friend that still lives there, Dusty and his wife Rachelle. They came to our house a couple months ago so it was our turn to make our way out there. It was fun! Rick went around and showed me all the houses that he use to live in. It was fun too see a little of Rick's past. We had a blast hanging out with those guys. Dusty had the idea to get Rick on a four wheeler to see how he would do. It was kinda hard for him to drive it but he did great riding on it.

New Truck!!!

Well we got a truck. We were searching for a while but it was kinda hard because there was alot of specifications that the truck had to have to be able to modify it. But thanks to our friends in our neighborhood who works at a car dealership in town we found one!!! We love it!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Okay so I know it's ben forever since Iwrote on our blog and I have alot of catching up to do! So I'll do it in a couple posts so that I don't have one that is forever long. Lets start with like a month ago me and Rick and my brother went up to fish lake to go fishing. We started going up to some other lakes but Rick's jeep blew up (well the radiator)so we had to come back home and load up in my car and start the journey again. We stopped at a smaller lake on the way up and Rick caught a small fish there, then we went to Fish lake and he caught another one there. My brother also caught some, so yep I'm the only one who didn't. And I tried hard!! But the way we figured for Rick to fish was to duct tape the pole to Rick's left arm and then he could reel with his right. He did everything by himself. He cast it and reeled it and caught the fish by himself. It was fun to watch him. But it was even funner when I got to rip the tape off his arm giving him a big bald spot on his arm :). But just one more thing that you would think Rick wouldn't be able to do and he does it like a pro!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I am so excited!! This weekend on the 4th at my parents house Rick decided he wanted to try and play catch and see if he could. So we put the glove on his hand and HE DID GREAT!!! He could catch it and throw it so good! It was so fun watching him do something he loves and being so happy!! I was so proud of him!! Needless to say I think now we'll be playing alot of catch! It's just one more reminder that every time I think I can't do anything I just have to look at my husband and realize that his hands are paralized and he can play catch (very well) and realize that anything is possible!!! Love you Rick!!


Well the fence is done and we love it!! Long time coming but yay it's done! And it looks great!!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Go Rick Go!!!!

Well for the last two sundays Rick has gone all by himself all the way around the neighborhood. Not just around the block but down two streets away all the way over and back home. He pushes himself the whole way and won't even let me go with him cause he wants to do it by himself. He is doing so awesome!!! Go Rick Go!!!! Tuff sure does feel left out when he goes but it's okay cause he's so happy when he gets home! It's his goal to do it every sunday. It's hard for me to not stare out the blinds the whole time but I'm getting better. Go Rick Go!!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

friends, fences and sad puppies

Well as always it's been an interesting and busy week. Last weekend one of Rick's mission companions and his wife and cute little boy came and spent the weekend with us. We just hung out and relaxed. It was really fun getting to know them and hearing all of their mission stories.

Then during this week they installed our cinder block fence!! We are so excited! It is so fun to look out and actually see a fence instead of just palets of cinder block. They should be completely done with it on Tuesday. I'll post some pictures of the one side but on tuesday when it's all done I'll put pictures of the whole thing.

You can't really tell from the pictures but it looks so good!! We're spoiled!! I'll put pictures when it's all done.

Well last week I was looking at Tuff's paw and noticed that he had a weird growth of some kind. I didn't know if he had something in his paw so it formed like a pus pocket or if it was a wart or a strange mole or something. But whatever it was it really started to bother him. He kept licking it and chewing at it and it just really didn't look good. So I took him to the vet on Saturday morning. The vet looked at it and said, "Hmm that's weird." Not something you want to hear from the vet. So he said whatever it is lets get rid of it before it gets worse or before Tuff trys to chew it off or something. So they froze it off. First they sedated him, which was so sad, and then they froze it with nitrogen oxide. Poor little pup was out of it for a couple of hours. He couldn't walk or anything, he just sat and twitched. It broke my heart. But once he came out of it, he's as good as new.

But he survived and he's already chewed off the bandage. Good ol' Tuff. Well everyone have a good week!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Our trip!!!

Well we're home. Have you ever noticed that a vacation is never long enough? But we had a great time!!! On Thursday we drove and drove and drove. We got there and realized our hotel was right on the border of USA and Mexico. It was kind of funny. But it was a nice hotel. On Friday we woke up and went to the San Diego Zoo.

There was hills every where!! We were either going up a giant hill or down. There was no flat streets anywhere! It was fun, but we went at the wrong time of day because all the big cats an bears and stuff were in caves sleeping. So the things that we did see were great. Rick's favorite animals were the Flamingos. While we were at the zoo Rick looked down and noticed his wheelchair was falling apart! His front tire was almost all of the way off. So we had to keep an eye on it the rest of the time till we could go to a parts store and get a bult and stuff. It's a good thing that he noticed or it would have been really bad!

After the zoo we went the San Diego Padres game! You can already guess that this was Rick's favorite part of the whole vacation. We had really good seats and it was way fun! The only bad thing is that it got pretty chilly. So we had to buy a blanket to stay warm. The padres won 4-0 and after there was fireworks.

The funniest part was trying to find our way around San Diego. Alot of the streets didn't make sense and I think we got lost at least 5 times.

On Saturday morning we got up and went to Old Town San Diego.

It was a really cute place. We ate at a place called Fred's. That explains the picture above. I thought it was funny. At Old Town they just have little shops and stands all over on these old roads. They had a big flea market with like 20 stands on this little road. They were selling everything from jewelry, clothing, pictures to music and hats and everything else. It was a really fun cute litte place. I highly recommend it.

Then after that we headed out for Sea World. When we made reservations for hotel and tickets and everything we didn't realize that it was Memorial Day weekend. Needless to say Sea World was packed!!! There were times that we couldn't even move! It was crazy busy but it was a blast! The shows were definely the best part. My favorites was the sea otter and seal show and of coarse the killer whale show.

Then on Sunday on our way out of town we went the Wild Animal Park. In my opinion it was way cooler than the zoo. There was all these animals living in places that seemed like their own habitats. We went on a bus tour and saw rhinos, giraffes, elephants, tigers, lions, buffalos, cheetas, antelope, and tons of other stuff. Once again it was a TON of walking and climbing hills! All the exhibits were so far apart because all the exibits were huge to make the animals comfortable in their own habitat. It realy was a cool place.
After that we made the LONG drive back home. We got home about 3 in the morning. And then the next day me and Rick are both sick. I guess our bodies still want to be on vacation. I'm going to the doctors today, I'm guessing I have strep throat or something and Rick has an infection. So we're not doing so hot today. But hopefully in a few days we'll be healthy again. So to sum up this long post our vacation was great! And I can't wait to go on another on soon.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Next Thursday me and Rick and some friends are going to San Diego!! We're leaving Thursday and coming back Sunday. We're going to Sea World, the San Diego Zoo, and Safari Adventures. We are so excited!!!!!!!!!!! I"ll let you know how it goes!! Peace out!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Still busy busy

Well we've been getting alot of stuff done lately. Me and Rick are now both registered for the fall semester at snow college here in Richfield. Rick is going into the drafting program. Since he was a plumber he dealt with house plans and stuff and has always been interested in them. So since the plumbing is on hold for a little bit, he is going to pursue the drafting idea. He is signed up for full time, he is taking 4 classes. A basic CAD class, a math class, a basic drafting class and a skills USA class. I think he is nervous but he is excited to try something new and get into it. I only have to take one class, which is microbiology. So alot less then Rick but I need to work and everything so it will be good. We got registered for classes, applied for financial aid, and everything to get ready to go back to school!!

Rick has been getting going with vocational rehab. He's had his first appointment and got accepted to voc rehab. Then he had to go take alot of apptitude (spelling?) tests. I bet that wasn't fun at all, he was there for like 4 hours testing the whole time. But it was to see what he'd be good at and what his strong points are. We have an appointment coming up with a guy to assess Rick and see what he needs to get back to school and work. We're hoping they will pay for modifications for a truck, maybe a power assist chair and school. But we're hoping for alot of things so we'll see what happens. But hopefully we can get everything going so he'll be ready by the time school starts.

We've been still working alot for both jobs. They're both going really good. Therapy is going great! Rick has been really good at exercising lately. We go on walks and he pushes himself as far as he can, he's been using a hand bike to work out his arms and shoulders and he lifts weights and all sorts of things. He's getting way strong and independant.

Our cute little puppy Tuff got fixed yesterday. It was so sad. I hated just dropping him of at the vets and leaving but I did it. He's still kinda sad and mellow but I'm sure he'll snap out of it soon. He's my favorite puppy ever!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

decisions decisions

Well I haven't wrote for a while because we have been so busy!!! Between my two jobs we figured out that the last couple weeks I've been working about 45 to 50 hours a week. But it's okay cause rick comes with me to the second job so we still get to be with each other all the time. We are really liking that job and love hanging out with the kids. Lately we've also been busy trying to figure out what to do with our yard. We're getting a cinder block fence so we've been trying to get bids and everything else on trenches and footings and installing. We're also trying to figure out what to do with trees and plants and grass. We're also thinking seriously about buying Rick a truck!! Through vocational rehab we can hopefully get the truck all ready so rick can drive it. The seat will come out of the truck and turn so Rick can transfer himself on the seat then it lifts back in the truck. A crane comes around and picks up his chair and puts it in the back. And the gas and brake are all hand operated so Rick can do it! I think it will be so great for him and he'll get some more independence back. So that is in the thinking process. Same with Rick maybe going back to school for architecture or something realted. He is doing so great and he keeps thinking of ways and things to get some more independence. I am so proud of him and everything he is willing to try although I'm sure it's scary. I had a nasty cold a little while ago and sadly Rick caught it this week. So the last couple of days he's been under the weather but hopefully it won't last long!! I'll keep you updated on all our crazy decisions we have to make!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

anniversary get away!!

Well this last week we had a blast! On Wednesday Rick went to the jazz game with his brother and I went to dinner with my best friends from growing up, Ang and Kelsee. We both had a blast that night. Rick was so excited he reminded me of a little boy on Christmas. He was so cute. And it was so fun to see my friends!

Then on Thursday we woke up and went to therapy. Rick did awesome like always. He is getting so strong and his energy is better then ever. Then we went and visited some friends in the hospital for a little bit. Then we went back to my parents house and played mario kart wii forever. If anyone hasn't played that I seriously suggest it!! We are addicted!! And thanks to Matt for still letting us borrow the wii, umm not sure if you're getting it back for a while ;) On Friday we woke up and got ready and packed and headed to Idaho. It was fun just to drive and see new scenery.

That night we went to dinner with Rick's sister Debbie and her husband Gary. I forgot to get a picture with them and I'm still regreting it. We went to their house and visited them for a minute then went to a very yummy steak house in Idaho Falls. It was so fun to see them!! Then later that night Rick's friend Dusty from his mission and is girlfriend came and hung out with us at the hotel. Then the next day we went with Dusty to lunch at Texas Roadhouse. We sure did have tons of good food this weekend!

Then on saturday we headed back to utah and went back to my parents and just hung out with my parents and brother. Then headed home on Sunday. It was such a fun little get away. On our actual anniversary (today) we went to dinner with Rick's parents and ate yummy chinese food. (From this blog all it sounds like we do is eat but we do other stuff too :) So Happy anniversary Rick, I sure do love you and every anniversary will keep getting better and better!!

shotgun sunday

Well before Rick's accident he loved to shoot his gun! A couple weekends ago my best friend from college (my roommate) and her husband came and stayed with us. On Sunday I had to work in the morning for a little bit but then in the afternoon Rick had the idea to go out and see if he could shoot his gun. At first I was a little scared but figured we might as well try. We went to a place called poverty flats like 10 minutes by our house. And well... Rick did awesome!!! We put some clays in the bushes and stuff and Rick hit them everytime first time!! He did so good. And now I'm happy we figured out that he can do it so we can go out more often!!