Tuesday, September 29, 2009

More yard work

Well we were inspired by the grass in the front yard so the next saturday we decided to attack the back yard. First I rode around on a four wheeler with a box spring behind it for about 2 hours to level it out. Then it was time to rake it out. Little did I know our back yard was like a gravel pit. So 6 hours later I was done raking. Longest 6 hours of my life!! Then I fertilized and seeded and raked a little and seeded again. Yep long long day. Well it's been like 9 days and yep still no grass. So we're still hoping but maybe we'll just have to try again in the spring. Anyone have good tips on making grass grow? We're keeping it wet all the time so I don't know. At least the weeds and rocks aren't growing back!!


Jenny said...

Your backyard looks so huge since you got it fenced. can't wait to see it all grassed in!

DCBuchmiller said...

I feel your pain! We just keep watering, and watering, and watering our .... dirt! No grass yet for us either. This cold spell hasn't helped a bit! (we'd rather blame it on the weather than our poor farming/growing abilities!)