Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Our trip!!!

Well we're home. Have you ever noticed that a vacation is never long enough? But we had a great time!!! On Thursday we drove and drove and drove. We got there and realized our hotel was right on the border of USA and Mexico. It was kind of funny. But it was a nice hotel. On Friday we woke up and went to the San Diego Zoo.

There was hills every where!! We were either going up a giant hill or down. There was no flat streets anywhere! It was fun, but we went at the wrong time of day because all the big cats an bears and stuff were in caves sleeping. So the things that we did see were great. Rick's favorite animals were the Flamingos. While we were at the zoo Rick looked down and noticed his wheelchair was falling apart! His front tire was almost all of the way off. So we had to keep an eye on it the rest of the time till we could go to a parts store and get a bult and stuff. It's a good thing that he noticed or it would have been really bad!

After the zoo we went the San Diego Padres game! You can already guess that this was Rick's favorite part of the whole vacation. We had really good seats and it was way fun! The only bad thing is that it got pretty chilly. So we had to buy a blanket to stay warm. The padres won 4-0 and after there was fireworks.

The funniest part was trying to find our way around San Diego. Alot of the streets didn't make sense and I think we got lost at least 5 times.

On Saturday morning we got up and went to Old Town San Diego.

It was a really cute place. We ate at a place called Fred's. That explains the picture above. I thought it was funny. At Old Town they just have little shops and stands all over on these old roads. They had a big flea market with like 20 stands on this little road. They were selling everything from jewelry, clothing, pictures to music and hats and everything else. It was a really fun cute litte place. I highly recommend it.

Then after that we headed out for Sea World. When we made reservations for hotel and tickets and everything we didn't realize that it was Memorial Day weekend. Needless to say Sea World was packed!!! There were times that we couldn't even move! It was crazy busy but it was a blast! The shows were definely the best part. My favorites was the sea otter and seal show and of coarse the killer whale show.

Then on Sunday on our way out of town we went the Wild Animal Park. In my opinion it was way cooler than the zoo. There was all these animals living in places that seemed like their own habitats. We went on a bus tour and saw rhinos, giraffes, elephants, tigers, lions, buffalos, cheetas, antelope, and tons of other stuff. Once again it was a TON of walking and climbing hills! All the exhibits were so far apart because all the exibits were huge to make the animals comfortable in their own habitat. It realy was a cool place.
After that we made the LONG drive back home. We got home about 3 in the morning. And then the next day me and Rick are both sick. I guess our bodies still want to be on vacation. I'm going to the doctors today, I'm guessing I have strep throat or something and Rick has an infection. So we're not doing so hot today. But hopefully in a few days we'll be healthy again. So to sum up this long post our vacation was great! And I can't wait to go on another on soon.


Unknown said...

Love the pictures and I am glad you had so much fun! Hope you both get feeling better quick...we'll see ya this weekend!

Jenny said...

I agree, the Wild Animal Park is much better, though much more spread out. I always say that you need a mini vacation after going on vacation because you are often more tired than when you are working, but you don't want to waste vacation days just resting up! Glad you had a good time and hope you both feel better soon!