Sunday, June 7, 2009

friends, fences and sad puppies

Well as always it's been an interesting and busy week. Last weekend one of Rick's mission companions and his wife and cute little boy came and spent the weekend with us. We just hung out and relaxed. It was really fun getting to know them and hearing all of their mission stories.

Then during this week they installed our cinder block fence!! We are so excited! It is so fun to look out and actually see a fence instead of just palets of cinder block. They should be completely done with it on Tuesday. I'll post some pictures of the one side but on tuesday when it's all done I'll put pictures of the whole thing.

You can't really tell from the pictures but it looks so good!! We're spoiled!! I'll put pictures when it's all done.

Well last week I was looking at Tuff's paw and noticed that he had a weird growth of some kind. I didn't know if he had something in his paw so it formed like a pus pocket or if it was a wart or a strange mole or something. But whatever it was it really started to bother him. He kept licking it and chewing at it and it just really didn't look good. So I took him to the vet on Saturday morning. The vet looked at it and said, "Hmm that's weird." Not something you want to hear from the vet. So he said whatever it is lets get rid of it before it gets worse or before Tuff trys to chew it off or something. So they froze it off. First they sedated him, which was so sad, and then they froze it with nitrogen oxide. Poor little pup was out of it for a couple of hours. He couldn't walk or anything, he just sat and twitched. It broke my heart. But once he came out of it, he's as good as new.

But he survived and he's already chewed off the bandage. Good ol' Tuff. Well everyone have a good week!!

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