Monday, January 26, 2009

A little update

Well I haven't wrote for a while, and the last time I wrote I was pretty bummed out. So I'm happy to say that we're doing good! We finally figured out what was going on with Rick's bladder and what was causing infections and stuff, so hopefully we can stay on top of that and not get them anymore. I would go into detail about what was going on but it's along story and all that matters is that he's better. We finally got to go to therapy a couple weeks ago and we thought that Rick would be pretty weak since we didn't go for so long and we figured that therapy wouldn't go so well. But.... Rick kicked butt!!!!!!! He had more endurance than ever before and he was able to do so much stuff! His therapist was so impressed with him! And his therapist felt both of his hip flexors firing and his glute muscle on the right side firing. He's doing so good! I'm so proud of you Rick! Keep up the hard work... we're getting closer!

Well Tuff has definely become part of our little family. It feels like we have a little toddler running around. He'a alot of work but man he's dang cute. I feel so guilty every time we have to leave him home by himself. We're still working on the potty training thing but he's getting better. If anybody has tips on training a puppy let me know!!

We went to Cedar city this last weekend and hung out with my college roommate Katie and her new husband, and Rick's childhood friend bobbie and his wife. It was so much fun! We went and saw the movie Mallcop, and it was hilarious! I recommend it to everyone! But it was really fun to hang out with friends and just have a good time. We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends everywhere! Well hopefully the good updates keep coming!!

1 comment:

DJ Stauffer said...

Hi again...So after we talked to Rick on the phone we had a great time looking at old photos and reminiscing of our time in SD. See if this brings a smile to Rick's face: Ask him about the time David put a turtle on the floor boards of Elder Werry and Elder Taylor's car...