Thursday, June 12, 2008

Good vs crappy

Well yesterday Rick had a great day at therapy!! Rick pretty much transfered himself from the wheelchair to the mat all by himself!! His therapist just gave him a little pull to get him over the tire but that was it. Before his therapist would have to help pull him and balance him... so Rick did awesome!! Rick is starting to learn how to go from laying down to sitting with his legs out in front of him. The first time he did it yesterday he needed some help, but then once his body figured out what he needed to do, he got the hang of it real fast. By the end of our session Rick was doing it all pretty much by himself!! He did awesome!! And the sensation when Rick trys to wiggle his toes his toes tingle, or when he trys to move his knee his knee tingles, or on and on, keeps getting stronger! His therapist said that it means there are connections getting down and coming back up, now we just have to keep working on it and make those connections stronger! Yesterday was just an awesome day! When we got home from therapy we went over to our new house and they were laying more floors and they're putting stucko on our house today. Our designer who is in charge of our house pretty much said that her goal is to have our house done by the end of next week. Then we just have to do all the inspections and we can move in! We're getting very close! Then Rick's friend from highschool and his wife and baby came and spent the night and we just hung out and had fun... so overall it was a great day!

Funny how whenever we have an awesome day.. there has to be a crappy day to follow it up. Yesterday when we were driving home in the car Rick kept saying that his stomach on the inside felt really cold. We didn't think much of it but it turns out that Rick woke up at 6 this morning with the flu! He has it pretty good too. So today he's just been laying in bed and sleeping and trying to get over this yuckiness. I"m hoping and praying it's just a 24 hour bug and then we'll be as good as new tomorrow. It's just a blessing that we didn't have therapy today so that we didn't have to cancel it. He'll just get to stay home and sleep it off. So good day yesterday... followed by a poopy day today!! But the good days are so rewarding so I guess we can handle a few bad ones inbetween!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you get sick of all my comments, but oh well! I still can't believe how quickly you are making progress. I'm sure to you guys it seems so slow, but compared to others in your place it is fast. I know some of it is from being blessed, of course, but I have no doubt that a large portion of it is also because of all your hard work and attitude. Keep it up!
