Friday, June 6, 2008

a note to doctors

Okay so I am so happy and thankful for doctors and everything they have done. But here is a note to anyone who wants to be a doctor, knows one, or has had to deal with them as much as us. I understand that you can not give false hope to patients... okay I understand that!! But that does not mean you have to shoot people's hope down as soon as they have some. There is a little thing called faith in people's lives.. in our lives.. it's a huge thing!! I know that your medical book might say one thing, but it's okay for us to believe another!! And just because someone has hope and faith... no it is not called denial! And if someone comes to you with good news like.. Rick's legs tingle.. or Rick's reflexes are stronger.. don't shoot us down and say that might not really mean anything!! This is hard enough to get through already.. we don't need you to strip hope right out of us. I am so thankful for your knowledge and help and all the education you've been through.. but not everyone follows text book rules. The doctor in the sky knows alot more than you and he has ways of letting us know his plans for us. And after we find out those plans.. like yes Rick will walk again.. even if you don't believe it.. don't tell us!! Just don't say anything!!

So it's obvious that I will never tell all this to a doctor, so I had to vent and just get it out there!! It seems like when a person becomes a doctor they're not a person anymore just a doctor.. I'm sure some of you know how I feel.. but I guess it will just make it feel all that better when Rick walks into those doctor's offices!!!!


Anonymous said...

You go girl!!!!!

Anonymous said...

We would also like to add our "AMEN". Thanks for saying our thoughts. They are way jumping ahead to "Z" without bothering with "J" or "K". We just need to remember the blessings we have been given and heard, and focus on the postive things that ARE happening. We love ya! Mom and Dad

Unknown said...

Tell me the name of the doctor and I will head over to the hospital and straighten things out right now! Don't get discouraged guys! Everyone is still praying and your names are still on the temple rolls. You are already doing things that they never thought you could! And I think doctors tell everyone that they will never walk again-in fact I heard that if you go in to get your tonsils out they tell you that you will never be able to walk again. So just remember that if God is on your side then you can beat anything! I love you guys!

Anonymous said...

We are so proud of you guys! Rick's recovery is in the Lord's hand...keep believing! We've had to look past what "specialists" have said about Sage over the years because we know in our hearts that the Lord has special plans for Sage...just like he does for Rick.
We hate that we are so far away from you, and cannot help. But we keep putting your names in the temple here, and we fast for you often.
We love you! Chad & Tiff